Nagaland Public Works Department
The Nagaland Public Works Department was one of the major development departments which was in existence prior to the formation of Nagaland Sate. With the attainment of Statehood, a full-fledged department known as the Nagaland Public Works Department (NPWD) headed by a Chief Engineer came into being in the year 1963.
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PWD (Mechanical Engineering)
The Mechanical Engineering directorate was established in the year 1996, and it is headed by a Chief Engineer (Mechanical) with its head quarter at Kohima, and is actively engaged in promoting mechanization of developmental works it hroughout the State. The Department is responsible for maintenance and optimum utilization of Government heavy earth moving machineries and vehicles. The background for creation of a separate wing under Works and Housing Department was to strengthen road construction and maintenance works, other developmental works and stream line the utilization of heavy machinery…
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PWD (Housing)
The Nagaland PWD (Housing) Department is responsible for the Planning, Design and Construction and Maintenance of all Government buildings (other than the Police Department) which include publicbuildings like Government offices, Hospitals, School & College buildings, Training Institutes, Museums, Stadiums,accommodations for Government employees, Stores & Godowns etc. The Department also undertakes construction and repair works of buildings for Central Government and Semi-Government Departments in the State.The Department is headed by a Chief Engineer…
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PWD (Planning & Design Cell)
The PWD Planning & Design Cell was established in January 2013 vide government notification under the estbalishement of the Engineer-in-Chief, NPWD; by restructuring the erstwhile Architectural wing, PWD(Housing. It is headed by the Chief Architect PWD(P&D); under the administrative control of the Engineer-in-Chief, NPWD; and consist of a full complement of architects and civil engineers with subordinate technical staff and also falls within the supervisory purview of the newly established State Quality Control Board.
With the increase in the State Plan Outlay and many new projects being taken up by the government under various central schemes/programs, the scope of work being handled by the department involving manifold design & engineering discipline has increased tremendously. It has to deal with every aspect of design, preparation of DPRs and project implementation of every…
PWD (Road & Bridges)
The Nagaland Public Works Department is headed by the Engineer-In-Chief with headquarters at Kohima. The Road and Bridges Department under the Chief Engineer with headquarters at Kohima has 3 (three) zones which are headed by the Addl. Chief Engineers with headquarters one each at Kohima, Mokokchung and Tuensang respectively.The Addl. Chief Engineer, Kohima is attached to the Office of the Chief Engineer, PWD (R&B) Kohima.
The Department comprises of 7(seven) Circles under Superintending Engineers with headquarters at Mokokchung, Tuensang, Mon, Zunheboto and two at Kohima. There are 24 (twenty four) Civil Working Divisions to cope up with the construction and maintenance of the Roads & Bridges in the State. Apart from these Divisions there is one Research Laboratory Cell at Dimapur under the control of an Executive Engineer for Research and Testing of construction materials for Roads and Buildings.
PWD (National Highways)
Road Transport plays a very important role for economic, industrial, social and cultural development of a country or state. Nagaland , being a land locked state with hilly and mountainous terrain where air, railway and water transport system is very limited ,road is the only means of transport which can provide accessibility even to the remotest regions of the state.
Roads can be broadly classified into the following categories:
- National Highways (NH)
- State Highways (SH)
- Major District Roads (MDR)
- Other District Roads (ODR)
- Village Roads (VR)
Police Engineering Project
Police Engineering Project was established on 2nd November 1968 with one Division at Chumukedima and subsequently three Sub-Divisions namely Chumukedima, Alichen and Tuensang was created for the smooth functioning of the Police department with a separate Demand Grant No.68 under the control of the PHQ. With the establishment of more District Executive Force, Units & Battalions, expansion of the Police Engineering Project also took place and presently Police Engineering Project has a full-fledged Chief Engineer with four working divisions .
Initially, the technical personnel were brought from the state PWD on deputation basis. However, with the amalgamation of all Engineering wing under the state government in the year 1989, the technical personnel of the Police Engineering Project (Except those from the electrical wing) were brought …
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